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Friday, April 9, 2010

More Links

Happy birthday Kristen Stewart!!!!! How old are you now? Well that doesn't matter because as Bella you will be forever 18. Ok, so this isn't actually a post but I wanted to tell you guys about an experience you don't want to miss. I'll post the link bellow. Oprah is having a Twilight thing on her show. So if you're willing to go and see her live, fill out the application with your story.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hello, My Name Is Schuyler Van Alen

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

Listening to Major Tom by Shiny Toy Guns. By the way, I found this band called Never Shout Never and I'm really into it right now. I'll post a link to their Youtube page.

Yesterday was a strange day. We had the math state testing and I decided to basically dress in all black. I had my lucky, comfortable, black jacket, a black tank, black leggings, and a skirt. I don't know what came over me but I felt like being her today- Schuyler. I also finished the second book of The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, Ninth Grade Slays by Heather Brewer. And the last paragraph of page 237 (chapter 20), my two favorite things were combined. The Killers and Vampires! The Paragraph is below:

"Greg turned on the radio. The Killers were on, singing a slow tune about how everything would be alright. Vlad leaned against the door and stared up at the stars, wishing against all odds that they were right." (Brewer, 237)

It just made my day! Ok, so the reason I like this series so much is because the author is a girl, but is writing from a boy's point of view. I have no clue why I'm so interested in that, but it really got to me. In the book, Vlad cries often and that also hits me hard (in a good way). So I'm off to bed. Testing is over! Good night.

--Lell (Youtube page for Never Shout Never) (Heathe Brewer's webpage)