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Monday, January 25, 2010

Blue Bloods (and sorry)

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

Let me start out by saying I'm so very sorry for skipping out on the posts the last two months! I've been very busy (as most of you are) due to school, church, and home activities. (I'll be moving soon; just around the corner from where we're renting now). I'm glad for your patience! I've got a good review on a relatively new series by Melissa De La Cruz, an award winning author, called Blue Bloods. ***SPOILER ALERT*** I've attached a link bellow for more information on Melissa's books, awards, and facts about her.

Basically this is another vampire book, but just like every other one you wonder across, this one has it's own little twists. These vampires are 'born' as vampires but do not discover it until they are about 15 or 16 years old. They go through cycles of life when ever they are needed; only 400 of them 'live' at once.

So Schuyler (pronounced sky-ler) is one of the main characters. She's discovering her awesome vampire powers as well as her true ancestry. When a Blue Blood from her high school shows up dead , which can never happen to one of them, Schuyler turns to her grand mother Cordelia for advice. She later finds out that there is a fallen hybrid race of vampires called Silver Bloods. Because they feast on the Blue Bloods, they are cursed forever with insanity. (Blue Bloods are one being, with the memories of their past lives, because the Silver Bloods consume them, they live as many people all at one time.) Croatan; abomination. This is the name given to the leader.

Cordelia is the only survivor (Blue Blood) of Plymouth and the colony Roanoke. She knows the truth because of her memories of her past life. Now Schuyler is the only person (with Oliver, her best friend) who can seek out the truth that no one else will believe. That Croatan exists.

Of course (and this should go with out saying) that all my reviews are in depth BUT I do leave out details because I want my readers to enjoy the book themselves. Thank you for your patience. --- Lell (Melissa De La Cruz's website, and it's were I got the pic.of the book cover) (The Blue Bloods Saga website)

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