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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Motives of Madness

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

I was just having a chat with my father and he was asking me why I would rather read about vampires instead of Frankenstein or other mythological creatures. To tell you the truth, I get scared easily and thought in the beginning that Twilight would scare my socks off. I just walked out on him when he asked that ridiculous question.

I figured that those of you who are insane enough to follow my blog deserve to know my motives behind my Twilight obsession. My mother was the first to fall under Stephenie Meyer's spell. We were moving to Texas from Florida (a few months after Breaking Dawn came out) and she was almost through with Twilight. I almost hated the whole phenomenon when I first heard about it. Hard to believe right? I can't explain why; my story is that I didn't want to be part of the hoopla. You know? I didn't want to be like everyone else.

That winter, 2008, my aunt came down for the holidays and as a treat, we went to the movies. Not to my surprise we bought tickets for the matinee showing of Twilight. I was immediately hooked.

The following summer, 2009, I was planning a trip to Greece. I always do my best when procrastinating. So two weeks before my trip I started the series. I was up till 3:00 am almost every night finishing page after chapter after book. I was non stop, lost almost ten lbs. and I basically fell off the face of the Earth. And I give thanks to Stephenie for driving me into Cullen insanity. (p.s. Thant's a good thing!)

My birthday was on the 29th! Just thought I'd mention that. And that was the same day (night actually, 10:56pm) I finished the last book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan. The Last Olympian is the title if you're interested. There is a movie comming out on the first book in Riordan's series, The Lightning Thief. I've attached the link to his website bellow as well as a picture of what I think is the best poster of Bella and Edward from this whole year. It's from Twist Magazine (but I took a picture of it with my camera since I couldn't find it online).

Ok, I'm signing off now! Happy New Year's Eve. -- Lell
p.s Sources: (For Percy Jackson and the Olympians series) (For Rick Riordan in general)

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