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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cool People Where You Least Expect Them

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

Tonight on SNL, Taylor Lautner hosts! Finally, I was about to write MSNBC a letter about why they haven't had a Twilight star on yet to host! (True, ask my friends.)

It's been a while since my last post and I apologize for that. I go by Stephenie's beliefs, where you have to be in that writing state of mind and all. So, I've had recent chat *Cough, Cough* (email) with a very famous author. (I let you sweat this one out for a while before I tell you!)

Next week we have exams/mid terms. For reasons unknown (get it, For Reasons Unknown by The Killers!), well any way, my teachers have been absent for periodical days out of the week, and that's not cool for me. The upside of this was that I met a really awesome substitute teacher in English class. She is a Killers fan as well as a Twilight fan to my surprise. And that special author I was talking about, did you figure out his name yet? Well, he's a fan of both also!

His name is Chris D'Lacey and he writes children to teen books about dragons, football (soccer), global warming, and polar bears. I'll attach a link to his website and his blog. Actually, now that I think about it, his blog is what inspired me to make my blog! So, he went to go see New Moon with his wife (and the dragons, Chris will get this part) and he relatively liked the movie. I think, and I might be mistaken, but his wife has read the books, and although they are fans, Mr. D'Lacey isn't as in love with Edward and Bella as the rest of the world. Hrrr to Zookie (Gadzooks), Grettle, and David (I haven't read Dark Fire yet, but I know he's out there) and have a happy holiday season.

Zookie's notepad (his blog) -
Chris D'Lacey's website-

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