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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Seeing Stars

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

Now it might be crazy, but the other night was the first time I've ever had a dream about anything to do with my little escape called Twilight. You'd think that being myself, an obsessed Twilighter, that this wouldn't be so bazaar. Wrong. I was freaked out! I'm not going to go into details so you can forget that.

Stephenie Meyer has worked her series of engrossing, unfathomably beautiful, vampire books into our subconscious! It is in no way a bad experience; It makes you think. We are so enveloped in a make believe place with fantastic characters: it's just how we escape into another person's world for a while. I get a warm feeling inside when I hear about anything even slightly related to Mrs. Meyer's fantasy world. It seems that all of the actors from the Twilght cast are popping up on talk shows every where! Watching the cast on Jimmy Kimmel was like wow. They keep me in a daze, and my parents literally have to pry the remote out of my hand if they had the not-so-clever idea of changing the channel when I'm in a Twi-Trance.

So I'm very thankful for the DVR we've got for all the shows I miss because of school or extracurricular activities. On that note, I'll go and eat some baklava. Good Greek girls deserve good Greek desserts!

1 comment:

  1. Practice a little Lucid Dreaming techniques so you can "direct" and "edit" those those twilight dreams.
