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Saturday, November 7, 2009

(Misc. Writing) With Old Age Comes...

Dear Fellow Twilighters, There are some great vids. from E online about the actors. This is the link.
Listening to Regina Spektor right now, Eet.

As the days go by we all get older. It's just a fact of life no body can avoid (except maybe the Cullens and the pack), so why even try? For children this is one of the best parts of life, getting older. For adults, it's the worst part of life, wrinkles and grays and all. I have no idea why! From a teen's point of view, with a greater age comes greater responsibilities, but more privileges (sorry Spidey, I didn't mean to steal your thunder). If every breath you take kills you, (oxidising cells and all), than no amount of tonic or cream can stop that! That's the beauty of life! You cannot stop what's ment to be.

New Moon is 12 days, 5hrs. away and I'm still as giddy as I was when I bought my tickets. It's just that I think my view on Twilight is getting hazy. I know it's not because it's been a few months since I've read the saga. I don't feel as connected as I used to be to my fantasy world of vampire and werewolves. Hopefully I'll get over my little slump after the 20th: New Moon.

So, after me ranting about all this about how death is inevitable, are you ready to put up that $50 bottle of "Wrinkle Away" or hair dye? Probably not. Remember though, Edward loves girls that don't wear make up! So join the club. The beauty industry is already rich enough with out my help. Don't get me wrong though, I do wear make-up, but only for special occasions.

Tomorrow is my brother's birthday party. We're going to go bowling and lazer tagging and stuff like that with a few close friends.

WHOA! I just saw a VOLVO commercial with Edward in it! There is a site called! Wow, what a sell out. Seriously?!?!?!?

Wow... you think about that one. I'm out. Luv ya. Lell

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