New Moon Content Widget

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon Premire Pains

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

Yesterday morning at 12:05 am, I went to see New Moon! My sister and I got to the theatre at 7:30pm and camped out in the 12:15am line for the 3rd screening of New Moon. I know what you're thinking, 12:15, I thought you went to the 12:05 one! Well, I'm getting to that. So any way, we were in line till about 9:00pm when this lady came up to us and asked if we would want to swap tickets with her because she bought two of the same tickets and one for a different showing and didn't want her family to be split apart. So being the nice and naive people we were, said sure, why not? So we switch spots, we were like, thirty people from the door for the 12:15 screening and inside the theatre. When we get to the other spot for the 12:05 screening we end up, like, 60th in line and outside in the cold!

My sister got really mad, like she was almost-turning-red mad, went up to the manager and said something like, my sister is sick and we're out side in the cold. Some lady conned us out of good spots in line and I don't want to start a fight! Is there anything you can do?, So I guess the manager got scared and didn't want a fight to break out, so he let us up closer in line to about the same spots we were before the switch. I felt mush better!

Ok, now time for the movie review. New Moon was really fantastic! I liked it very much even though I didn't appreciated that book in the saga as much as the rest. The action was great and the lovey parts were oh so cute! I cried once after Edward left Bella. I was torn apart! The CGI was great, but I thought the wolves looked a little thick around the mid section. As you all know, I'm a die hard Team Edward fan. That goes the same for my sis, she hasn't read the books yet. But, as hard as it is to admit, my sister and I, for like a split second, were rutting for Jacob.

What upset me the most was that A White Demon Love Song by The Killers was not in the movie! And if it was, I didn't catch it! I was singing along with all the other songs from the soundtrack except for that one! How disappointing.

Got to go,
Lell -xoxo- hope you enjoy the movie.

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! Lell, you are so funny. I love you. Red-mad. HAHAHA. Well, I was! Anyway, I've gotta come up and see you guys again! It's sooo cold here, I cant even imagine how cold it is in Texas! xoxo
