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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Twilight Spottings

(Mine, inspired by the letters on the cover of New Moon)
(My sister's, inspired by a vintage feel)
Dear Fellow Twilighters,

Here it is! Cullen Blvd. My family and I went down to Galveston to do some sight seeing. See, my sister came down for a visit and we wanted her to get a great experience before she went back to Florida. My dad had this crazy idea to pack five people (I was sick at the time) in a small car and drive an hour or so to go eat in a grungy little burger joint and walk the beach in fifty degree weather! Thanks to my wonderful, loving, and totally Twi-obsessed mother, we have this perfect picture of Cullen Blvd! Apparently Exit 44c.

Also, I posted the shirts my sister and I made for the premiere of New Moon. Mine starts with ...The Twilight Saga... and my sister's is just New Moon in curvy letters. If you look closely you'll see our hidden Team Edward logo! I know, they're totally awesome, but not for sale! Just fan made.
On that note, New Moon made $274.9 mill. world wide in the box office this week end, and $142.9 mill. in the US alone I believe. Ok, I just heard All These Things That I've Done by The Killers for a National Geographic commercial. How ironic, go figure!
That's it for today, have a great Sunday, and keep on reading. --Lell

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying the stroll thru your blog, even at 50 degrees and half sick the ocean is always worth the look see. The twilight bug is a better bug by far to be bitten by, I hope your feeling better.
