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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cool People Continued

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

As I'm rewatching SNL from last night I remembered some very serious details from the biology skit that needed to be pointed out. Planaria, the same subject in the movie, not the book, that Edward and Bella were studying, was on the board, Taylor was wearing a skirt and lip gloss, and that chocolate raspberry is a great flavor. (How do these actors stay still for so long?) I also agree to a certain extent that Bella's a little bit of a "whiny-do-nothing" (not Kristen) and that she doesn't deserve either of them, I do! (Not really though.)

For those reasons I nominate the writers of SNL for a Cool People Award presented by My Vampire Venom. (AHHHH! The crowd goes wild for SNL!) I thank all who support this decision!

Ok, I'm out. But before I sign off I would also like to nominate the director of the new Star Trek movie for the director of Breaking Dawn. That's my choice.


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