New Moon Content Widget

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Birthday! (s)

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

Today is Stephenie Meyer's 36th birthday! Two days ago, sorry for being late, was Jackson Rathbone's 24th birthday, and tomorrow is Christmas! Wow, we're just having birthdays left and right now, aren't we? (I saw Avatar today and the main character, Jake Sully, had his birthday as well.) Well, if you're wondering how I'm getting all of this wonderful information then you're in luck! I have a super top secret (not) website full with accurate information on our most loved stars/vampires. The link follows this post. It's one of the "official" (I think) websites for each movie, up until a few months ago it was all about New Moon, and now, the site is all about Eclipse. The countdown/ new gadget is actually from this site. It offers a few accurate apps to post almost any where you want on the web, as well as tributes to fans and their creative sides. They have links to other fan sites and they also post fan made trailers and posters.

I'm off to celebrate the rest of Christmas Eve with my family. Happy Holidays! --Lell


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