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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Catching Up on Every Day Twi-References

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

As you know I like to compare my life to the world of Twilight very often and have been neglecting to post here. I'm so sorry. Let's catch up on some things.

Last month: Teachers have been freaking me out with their knowledge about Twilight and how much my friends are picking up on this also. One of my friends made a joke about what my history teacher had said. It was pretty funny but I guess you had to be there. Here it goes any way! "Bella can stare a a wall for four months crying while you can stare at a wall for four seconds and start laughing!" It's not that funny but then again it was to me. A compliment on my good natured disposition. After that she made me a semi-poster of all things vampire (which I will post later.) .

Recently: I have finished The Van Alen Legacy and will be posting my summary on Revelations as well as the other book. Also, my English teach gave our class an assignment where we have to keep track of the books we read and why we read them. (See paragraph below.)

I have found a great new-ish series by heather Brewer called The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod. Book one is called Eighth Grade Bites. As you can tell by the title, the main character is Vladimir Tod. An eighth grade vampire discovering his powers and how to control his thirst. He has been living with his Aunt Nelly for three years just after his parents combusted into ashes. He is half vampire though. His mother was human and his father a creature of the night. Vlad does not drink human blood directly (Aunt Nelly is a nurse and is very handy when Vlad needs some blood. He only takes donations from the hospital.) The only human he as ever bitten was his best friend Henry, when he was eight, and from then on he has been the only person's thought Vlad could read.

And that's just the begging. Pick up the book for yourself if you wish- it's a very good find. I'll post more often; as often as I can. -- Lell

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