New Moon Content Widget

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eclipse Trailer

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

YAY!!!!! The new full length Eclipse trail was released this morning!!!!! My excitement has been rejuvenated after seeing this clip. It's posted on the Official New Moon Widget above. I hope everyone is as excited as I am for spring break, if your already on break then good for you. I have good news to all; the fifth Blue Bloods book Misguided Angle is on it's way- October 5, 2010 is the official release date, plus, I finished The Van Allen Legacy! (I still have to put up the summary on Revelations so be patient!) So, be on the look out for anything pertaining to Blue Bloods/ Eclipse. I've attached a few links bellow and if you like them or think you might like them, click on them. I get no money for it so feel free to click. Ok, I'm signing off now..... Lell

p.s. I can't believe Summit Entertainment replaced Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria) with Bryce Dallas Howard, although I am impressed on how close they made the new Victoria look like the old one. It's like spooky good! And thanks to for the comparison picture of Rachelle and Bryce, and to for the other picture of the two Victorias from the films. Can you tell which Victoria is which? (The official website for Eclipse the movie.)

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