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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Everyone Loves Twilight

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

It never seizes to surprise me at the age group of people that are interested in the Twilight series. Now to be clear, I wasn't always a Twilight fanpire. I know, SHOCKING!!! Well, it actually started with my mom. She started reading the series around the end of '07. she loved it, but it didn't take over her life. After the movie came out, which I was forced to see, I became infatuated with Twilight and every thing to do with it. Over the summer break I finished the series in two weeks. It was record time for me!

The other day I was in my first period class, office aide, and was doing my homework. The ladies at the front desk are around my mom's age, I would think, and sort of like the saga also. Well, I turn around (due to a certain T word), and to my surprise Midnight Sun was the topic!

(To all you fans out there that call yourselves officianatos, but have no clue as to what I'm talking about... Go right now to Stephenie's site and do a little research. She has it posted on the Midnight Sun part of her site. Then slap yourself for being so ignorant! Midnight Sun is the epitome of her writing. THE BEST OF THEM ALL!, and she happens to not be writing at the moment because of an Internet leak...)

Now back to my main point. It doesn't matter what your age is. There are ten year olds out there reading Mrs. Meyer's books, and then there are 50 year olds in the world that have some clue as to what's happening in the teen psyche. Doesn't matter your age, pick up her book (or any for that matter) and read. When you're done, PASS IT ON!

Keep on reading, and may the cool super vamp. power of incredibly strong-ness be with all you wanna-pires! (Ha, new word alert... or not)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Eyes That Follow

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

I finally put up my first poster of New Moon yesterday. The pull out one from a Twist magazine. I know what you're thinking, "WHAT? We have 53 days and 3hrs. left and you choose now to put them up?" Practically a waste right? Well, you might be right, but better late than never!

I actually have this small, teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy phobia of posters that I can see while I'm changing. Harry Potter's magical world sort of ruined it for me with the portraits that can communicate and watch you all the time! No offense intended, Rowling, I love your work also.

When I'm changing, It kinda freaks me out to think the posters are "watching" me. Sorry Rob & Taylor, but I think I might have to take you guys down, or move you where I can't see you all the time! (That goes for Kristen too.)

Just thought you might want to know my little quirks.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Songs On The Official New Moon Soundtrack

These are the songs all made exclusively for the official New Moon Soundtrack. It comes out October 20th :


p.s. Sources:

THE KILLERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My two favorite things all in one!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

A Bella Inspired Injury

Dear Fellow Twilighters, (Please do not try at home if you do not have practice with gymnastics)

Yesterday I had a very, Bella-esque, conundrum. I hit my head. On the floor. It's tile.

I was in health class, how ironic, and our group was putting on this little skit for the bones in your body and how to keep them healthy. I am very flexible, thanks to my few years of ballet, but not very graceful, and extremal hazardous when it comes to hand eye coordination. Very clumsy, certainly.... I am very able to do a back bend, though.

My part of the role was that scoliosis screenings are important to your spine and blahblahblah.... Well, my friend was like, "Oh cool! that would be great if you could do a back bend!", and of course, being the people pleaser I can be at times, decided it would be awesome.

The first attempt, prior to the play, was less harsh on my body since I landed on my knees. Many bruises ensued. Our group went up and did our thing. I was really bumbed though, because I knew I could do a back bend! So I told them I simply would try again before the class period ended.

I wasn't thinking, and certainly filled with personal rage from not completing the task, that I didn't pay attention to my surroundings. Tile is not my best friend. I was half way through with my stunt, one hand on the floor, and one clinging to the counter. I decided I was stable enough to release my hand, so I did. That's were I went wrong. My hand slipped on the tile and my head made contact with the floor. THUD.

It didn't really hurt, and I have had worse, but my head was starting to sting. No blood, good. It didn't feel cracked, but it was warm for some odd reason. I went to the nurse after a few people, self proclaimed inspectors of my head, said I should go to get ice. I did begrudgingly. For my whole 45 minute science period I had an ice pack basically glued to my head.

I'm not seeing double and I can remember my name, and address, so I guess I'm good. The moral of the story here kids is to always pay attention to your surroundings (and when some one tells you to get ice, they probably know best). No matter what.

Happy Twilighting!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Own Personal Forks

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

Today was not a typical day for Texas. It felt like I was in Forks with all the rain that's been falling lately. Most people today were late and drenched coming to school this morning. (I know this since my first period is office aid.) I was just waiting for people to ask me if I was enjoying the weather; I used to live in Florida. People were screaming all day about things like "I just know we're gonna have a hurricane!" and "They should have closed the school today!" I felt bad for the kids that had to ride the bus. Standing at the stop and getting soaked waiting for their transportation to arrive. Personally, I'm a car rider, so I lucked out. I was probably the driest of them all! Today was definitely a day for vamps to roam around. Nice, cloudy, and thunderous- perfect for some baseball.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Happy Late Birthday Bella! (Sept. 13) How does it feel to turn 20?

ps. Source: a free download from

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Update on Twi-Flections

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

OK, so today went better than I planned. No weirdly close Twilight encounters, but I didn't crush the guy who asked me to the dance. It was actually that I had it all wrong.

He wanted to ask me to the dance on Friday, the Back to School dance, and NOT the 8th grade dance. As it turns out, I wasn't going to that one any way.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Dear Fellow Twilighters,

This is a new daily-weekly post I'll be doing for all those crazy times in your life when you stop and think, "Hey, that was totally how it happened in the book, only, it's me instead of Bella!". In today's case I didn't have time to stop and think, instead I ran and then took an almost face-plant.

Remember that seen in Twilight, when Edward is in his stupid shiny Volvo and backs up so Bella is blocked in and can't leave the parking spot, so Tyler Crowley gets up the nerve to ask her to the girl's choice dance, but when she says no he says "We still have prom"? Well
, that sort of happened to me today, me being Bella and the guy who asked my out being Tyler, but with the 8th grade dance our school is having, like, in MAY for crying out loud!

Maybe first I should explain that this guy isn't my Edward, but more like a really talkative Mike Newton mixed with Eric, but we're not that close. He's a little bit of a know-it-all, but not really because I already know the stuff he's trying to tell me. (I've been in gifted classes since kindergarten, before I moved.) It was just after 9th period (the last period of the day) and the guy who sits next to me in history calls my name, we're in a crowded hallway here, and I'm about to miss my bus. So, I turn around and go "What?" (that's actually really hard to do considering we were in the middle of our history teacher's doorway, and everyone is trying to rush out at the same time.) He goes, "Do you want to go to the dance with me?" and my heart and breathing froze for like 15 seconds! Then it sped up to over drive and I couldn't really feel or know what my face looked like.

My face got all red and my ears started to bun. After about a quick second of registering my shocked expression, his face sort of got a little bit pale. I realised then that I just had to say something. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but didn't want to go to the biggest dance of the year with him either. I actually thought he was talking about the back to school bash we were having on Friday so I asked" Which one?" And of course, to my greatest fear, he replied "The 8th grade dance,". I stuttered "M-m-maybe, I have t-t-to think about it," and quickly and clumsily turned around and tripped on some kid digging into his locker. I was about 6 inches away from the ground when I caught my self.

I stumbled into one of my friends and relaid the not so pleasant news. She looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth and simply said, "Well?". My hand was over my mouth and she couldn't she the shocked expression I was wearing so she thought I was smiling. I shook my head no and stumbled away to my locker.

I'm in a bit of a pickle here. Have you ever been in this kind of situation? I want to let him down easy by saying something like, "That dance is a long ways away. I'm not going to think about it 'till the last minute.", but then he'll think that means I'll tell you later. I also have to face him in 3 of my periods every day and in each we sit pretty close together. I have to tell him tomorrow or he'll think I'm debating yes, but I'm not. I want to say no. How do I do it?

Feel free to leave any comments and I mean any. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Dear Fellow bloggers,

Welcome to My Vampire Venom! I'm so syked about the whole blog thing! This is my first ever blog and I intend to make it one of the best you've ever read!

To start off, I'll tell you about why I started this blog. I'm a super reader and love all things Twilight. One night I had this crazy feeling to start a page were all you Twi-Hard fans can get a glimpse of my perspective. Thus, I created My Vampire Venom. Twilight things aren't the only things I'm going to post. I have a diverse taste so you'll get to know about other authors and A LOT about music.

I'm a very opinionated person which I guess is good for this! This blog will let you in on all things related to the Twilight books. (Well, what I've read anyway.) I don't have any connections to Stephenie Meyer (yet) so if your looking for that, go google it.

The next thing I would have to say would be that I appreciate comments and criticism. You are entitled to your opinion as long as it isn't offensive or crude. I'll be updating my blog regularly (like, once a day to once a week or so) so check back for that.

Again, Thank you so much for coming and visiting my page! I have so much more to add to the blog so check back for more!