New Moon Content Widget

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Dear Fellow bloggers,

Welcome to My Vampire Venom! I'm so syked about the whole blog thing! This is my first ever blog and I intend to make it one of the best you've ever read!

To start off, I'll tell you about why I started this blog. I'm a super reader and love all things Twilight. One night I had this crazy feeling to start a page were all you Twi-Hard fans can get a glimpse of my perspective. Thus, I created My Vampire Venom. Twilight things aren't the only things I'm going to post. I have a diverse taste so you'll get to know about other authors and A LOT about music.

I'm a very opinionated person which I guess is good for this! This blog will let you in on all things related to the Twilight books. (Well, what I've read anyway.) I don't have any connections to Stephenie Meyer (yet) so if your looking for that, go google it.

The next thing I would have to say would be that I appreciate comments and criticism. You are entitled to your opinion as long as it isn't offensive or crude. I'll be updating my blog regularly (like, once a day to once a week or so) so check back for that.

Again, Thank you so much for coming and visiting my page! I have so much more to add to the blog so check back for more!

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