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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Own Personal Forks

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

Today was not a typical day for Texas. It felt like I was in Forks with all the rain that's been falling lately. Most people today were late and drenched coming to school this morning. (I know this since my first period is office aid.) I was just waiting for people to ask me if I was enjoying the weather; I used to live in Florida. People were screaming all day about things like "I just know we're gonna have a hurricane!" and "They should have closed the school today!" I felt bad for the kids that had to ride the bus. Standing at the stop and getting soaked waiting for their transportation to arrive. Personally, I'm a car rider, so I lucked out. I was probably the driest of them all! Today was definitely a day for vamps to roam around. Nice, cloudy, and thunderous- perfect for some baseball.

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