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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Everyone Loves Twilight

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

It never seizes to surprise me at the age group of people that are interested in the Twilight series. Now to be clear, I wasn't always a Twilight fanpire. I know, SHOCKING!!! Well, it actually started with my mom. She started reading the series around the end of '07. she loved it, but it didn't take over her life. After the movie came out, which I was forced to see, I became infatuated with Twilight and every thing to do with it. Over the summer break I finished the series in two weeks. It was record time for me!

The other day I was in my first period class, office aide, and was doing my homework. The ladies at the front desk are around my mom's age, I would think, and sort of like the saga also. Well, I turn around (due to a certain T word), and to my surprise Midnight Sun was the topic!

(To all you fans out there that call yourselves officianatos, but have no clue as to what I'm talking about... Go right now to Stephenie's site and do a little research. She has it posted on the Midnight Sun part of her site. Then slap yourself for being so ignorant! Midnight Sun is the epitome of her writing. THE BEST OF THEM ALL!, and she happens to not be writing at the moment because of an Internet leak...)

Now back to my main point. It doesn't matter what your age is. There are ten year olds out there reading Mrs. Meyer's books, and then there are 50 year olds in the world that have some clue as to what's happening in the teen psyche. Doesn't matter your age, pick up her book (or any for that matter) and read. When you're done, PASS IT ON!

Keep on reading, and may the cool super vamp. power of incredibly strong-ness be with all you wanna-pires! (Ha, new word alert... or not)

1 comment:

  1. wow seriously i thought the first time i saw the cover it was some snow white novel beacuse of the apple so my friends were talking about it and i just had to try it and now i too am addicted:]
