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Friday, September 25, 2009

A Bella Inspired Injury

Dear Fellow Twilighters, (Please do not try at home if you do not have practice with gymnastics)

Yesterday I had a very, Bella-esque, conundrum. I hit my head. On the floor. It's tile.

I was in health class, how ironic, and our group was putting on this little skit for the bones in your body and how to keep them healthy. I am very flexible, thanks to my few years of ballet, but not very graceful, and extremal hazardous when it comes to hand eye coordination. Very clumsy, certainly.... I am very able to do a back bend, though.

My part of the role was that scoliosis screenings are important to your spine and blahblahblah.... Well, my friend was like, "Oh cool! that would be great if you could do a back bend!", and of course, being the people pleaser I can be at times, decided it would be awesome.

The first attempt, prior to the play, was less harsh on my body since I landed on my knees. Many bruises ensued. Our group went up and did our thing. I was really bumbed though, because I knew I could do a back bend! So I told them I simply would try again before the class period ended.

I wasn't thinking, and certainly filled with personal rage from not completing the task, that I didn't pay attention to my surroundings. Tile is not my best friend. I was half way through with my stunt, one hand on the floor, and one clinging to the counter. I decided I was stable enough to release my hand, so I did. That's were I went wrong. My hand slipped on the tile and my head made contact with the floor. THUD.

It didn't really hurt, and I have had worse, but my head was starting to sting. No blood, good. It didn't feel cracked, but it was warm for some odd reason. I went to the nurse after a few people, self proclaimed inspectors of my head, said I should go to get ice. I did begrudgingly. For my whole 45 minute science period I had an ice pack basically glued to my head.

I'm not seeing double and I can remember my name, and address, so I guess I'm good. The moral of the story here kids is to always pay attention to your surroundings (and when some one tells you to get ice, they probably know best). No matter what.

Happy Twilighting!

1 comment:

  1. hey i was that friend:] it was really funny though, not the hitting your head just the how you fell haha and i did know best to tell you to get ice:]
