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Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Dear Fellow Twilighters,

This is a new daily-weekly post I'll be doing for all those crazy times in your life when you stop and think, "Hey, that was totally how it happened in the book, only, it's me instead of Bella!". In today's case I didn't have time to stop and think, instead I ran and then took an almost face-plant.

Remember that seen in Twilight, when Edward is in his stupid shiny Volvo and backs up so Bella is blocked in and can't leave the parking spot, so Tyler Crowley gets up the nerve to ask her to the girl's choice dance, but when she says no he says "We still have prom"? Well
, that sort of happened to me today, me being Bella and the guy who asked my out being Tyler, but with the 8th grade dance our school is having, like, in MAY for crying out loud!

Maybe first I should explain that this guy isn't my Edward, but more like a really talkative Mike Newton mixed with Eric, but we're not that close. He's a little bit of a know-it-all, but not really because I already know the stuff he's trying to tell me. (I've been in gifted classes since kindergarten, before I moved.) It was just after 9th period (the last period of the day) and the guy who sits next to me in history calls my name, we're in a crowded hallway here, and I'm about to miss my bus. So, I turn around and go "What?" (that's actually really hard to do considering we were in the middle of our history teacher's doorway, and everyone is trying to rush out at the same time.) He goes, "Do you want to go to the dance with me?" and my heart and breathing froze for like 15 seconds! Then it sped up to over drive and I couldn't really feel or know what my face looked like.

My face got all red and my ears started to bun. After about a quick second of registering my shocked expression, his face sort of got a little bit pale. I realised then that I just had to say something. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but didn't want to go to the biggest dance of the year with him either. I actually thought he was talking about the back to school bash we were having on Friday so I asked" Which one?" And of course, to my greatest fear, he replied "The 8th grade dance,". I stuttered "M-m-maybe, I have t-t-to think about it," and quickly and clumsily turned around and tripped on some kid digging into his locker. I was about 6 inches away from the ground when I caught my self.

I stumbled into one of my friends and relaid the not so pleasant news. She looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth and simply said, "Well?". My hand was over my mouth and she couldn't she the shocked expression I was wearing so she thought I was smiling. I shook my head no and stumbled away to my locker.

I'm in a bit of a pickle here. Have you ever been in this kind of situation? I want to let him down easy by saying something like, "That dance is a long ways away. I'm not going to think about it 'till the last minute.", but then he'll think that means I'll tell you later. I also have to face him in 3 of my periods every day and in each we sit pretty close together. I have to tell him tomorrow or he'll think I'm debating yes, but I'm not. I want to say no. How do I do it?

Feel free to leave any comments and I mean any. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow girl i was there after that happened so its kind of funny to here the reply again:]
    love your blog!!!
