New Moon Content Widget

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The New Moon Content Widget Works!!!

Dear Fellow Twilighters, (Nov. 3, 09 at 6:18 pm)

I'm taking down the Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant trailer now since it has been out in theatre's since the 23rd of Oct. If you haven't seen it by now, then you're really missing out. Read the summary I wrote just a few days ago on it and you'll be hooked, although, I didn't do the movie or series any justice.

Just giving you guys a heads up. Lellabella

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

It works!!! I'm soooooooo happy! The trailer is working and there is a whole bunch of cool pics and other clips and info for you to explore on this gadget. Hope you enjoy!!!

And if you haven't noticed, I uploaded a trailer for Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant. Don't you think the music sounds like something by the artist Likke Li? They are on the New Moon Soundtrack.

The trailers both start automatically. I can't get the Cirque du Freak to pause, so you'll have to pause the New Moon one and wait for the Cirque to finish.








Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant- Summary

(Cirque du Freak: The Vampires Assistant, based on a saga by Darren Shan)

Dear Fellow Twilighters,
(Listening to Brains by Voltaire right now; great for Halloween.)

Last night around 8pm-ish I went with my family to see the new movie Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant.

Wow! Where to start? This movie was super awesome and totally worthy of Stephenie's attention. This is sort of a more-fantasy-and-every-thing-goes type of movie. It didn't look fake at all (besides all the creatures and stuff, they could've been real), and if they did use CGI, than you could've fooled me because it looked as real as possible!

Ok, so the main character is this kid named Darren Shan (Chriss Massogila) who is obsessed with spiders, and his best friend is Steve (Josh Hutcherson) who is obsessed with vampires. They are complete opposites: goody-goody and bad boy. They find this flyer for a freak show that's coming to town, so they sneak out and pay them a visit. The last act happens to be a vampire and a deadly spider. Being the obsessed people they are, Darren goes to "borrow" the spider, Madam Octa, and Steve goes to confront Mr. Crepsly (John C. Rielly) , the vampire. Darren hides when Crepsly comes into his dressing room. Then Steve comes in and says that his life is so suckish and he wants to become a vampire.

Now, before we get any further, in this story there are two types of vamps. They follow all the tradition vamp. rules like, you can't go out in the sun, and you need human blood, etc. Actual Vampires (they don't kill their victims, just sedate them), and then the Vampinese (who kill the victims). There used to be this war between them and they made a treaty, but you know how that goes.

So, Steve gets out with his life, barely, and Darren finds a secret passage and gets picked up by Mr. Tiny (Michael Creveris)- Stranger Danger! He's the guy that wants a war to break out between the two groups of blood suckers, and gets a ride home. Darren barley escapes with his life as well.

The next day Darren takes Octa to school and Steve find out. Steve HATES spiders. Octa gets loose and scurries away to find an escape (or tries to at least) when the bell rigs and all the kids come running out of their class to get to their next period. Octa has like five near death encounters. Steve gets a broom and tries to kill her, but Octa bites him and Steve collapses.

So, by this time Steve is in the hospital and is dying. Darren gets up the courage and goes to see Crepsly for and antidote of some kind to save Steve. Crepsly agrees to give Darren the anti venom on one condition; Darren had to become his assistant as half vampire. Darren gives up his life and becomes immortal.
They get to the hospital, Crepsly gives Steve the cure, and then they think up of a way to fake Darren's funeral. After a farewell to his parents, Darren goes to Cirque du Freak and becomes part of the show, working backstage as a erring boy for Crepsly since he can't go out in the sun.
The Vampinese are always trying to turn Darren into one of them, but meanwhile, Steve found out somehow about Darren, and turns bad. Real bad. Vampinese bad in fact. There is a whole fight back at the theatre where the Freaks preform. Steve give an ultimatum to Darren about he can either turn Vampinese or die fighting Steve and the rest of the their Vampinese.
Of course, Darren stays solid 1/2 Vamp. and returns to Cirque du Freak. Oh, and there is this monkey girl (she only has a tail, and that's her monkey-ness) that Darren fall for, and they kiss. Awe! So cute!
The end... for now. Since this is a saga there probably will be more movies out of the books. I personally haven't read them since I only just found out about the movie and am in another series (Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan; I'm on book three, The Titan's Curse) at the moment. I encourage you to go and see for yourself. I gave the movie/book no justice in this summary.
Finally, I give the movie 4 out of 5 fangs just because it was a little dark for me and there was scary images, so it might not be appropriate for younger children (but neither is Twilight so yeah...). I loved this movie and I definitely want to get it when they release it on DVD. I can honestly say it is one of my favorites.

Happy Halloween, and be safe if you go Trick-orTreating tonight.
p.s Sources: (for the image and actors' names/roles)
and here is the link to the site for the movie

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Twilight Saga- Wordles

(The Twilight Saga-Wordles by Lell)

Dear Twilighters,
There is this website called and it lets you create 'word clouds' like the ones above. Ofcourse, I decided to make afew about the Twilight Saga! I've done afew on The Killers also.

All you do is insert a whole bunch of words seperated by spaces or commas, and it comes out in different colors and fonts. You can edit the colors and the fonts; they don't always look like this. So, there are a few by me in they public gallery under the name Lell if you want to look some of mine up.

More cool online stuff discovered by Lell!

Vitamin String Quartet

(The cover of their The Killers Tribute CD)

(The Vitamin String Quartet)

Dear Fellow Twilighters (and The Killers lovers),

Today is a happy day! My orchestra conductor told us to go onto Youtube and search Vitamin String Quartet and I saw the best thing ever!!! Ok, so this is the job of the quartet; by ear (with no music) find the notes to famous songs. They do tributes to bands like Queen and Pink Floyd and, yes Twilight also. They have Oasis and Red Hot Chili Peppers also.

To get to my point, if you haven't guessed already, is that they did a tribute to The Killers!!!!! I attached the link to their Youtube channel and their website bellow.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

MY New Moon Soundtrack

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

I got my New Moon Soundtrack yesterday at the local convenience super store! It was totally worth the wait! The Killers' A White Demon Love Song (number 5 on the album) totally delivered; all the artists did!

I didn't think I would like the song Meet Me On The Equinox by Death Cab For Cutie (1), but I did and I really enjoyed it. Muse's song (7) was spectacular- I Belong To You.

Another one my mom liked was Satellite Heart by Anya Marina (6).

This is a must have for any Twi-hard fan-pire. I give the whole album 5 fangs out of 5! (Now if you do the math, that's two vampires and one toothless vamp.) The only thing I have left to do is get the Twilight Soundtrack!

Happy Twilighting. Enjoy the album!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Moon Soundtrack

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

For those of you that don't already know, Atlantic Records announced yesterday that "due to overwhelming and unprecedented demand" ( they will be releasing the soundtrack to New Moon on October 16th, that is four days earlier than originally planed!

There will be a poster (the booklet) you can unfold that comes with the CD. It's the picture I attached above. I'm two days away from hearing my favorite band's new song, A White Demon Love Song by The Killers!

Oh happy, happy, joy, joy!!!
(If you cannot read the top of the poster, it says "The Next Chapter Begins")
p.s. Sources: Stephenie Meyer's website, there is a link above.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Moon Tickets

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

I, along with practically half the population, have just purchased my New Moon tickets for a 12:15am screening at my local movie theater! My mom will be going with me while my brother and dad stay home and watch some movies of their own. It's on a Friday (Nov. 20th if you don't know by now) so we'll have to work something out for school.

The only down side to this is that I'm going to be attacked at school tomorrow. I told everyone that the theater doesn't sell tickets until a week in advanced, and that might be true since I did some research. It's probably just a one time thing because the movie is already so big!

Just thought I'd let you know!
xoxo XP Lell

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Orchestra Pictures

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

Tomorrow is the day my orchestra at school takes our group pictures. Ya. How fun right? Well, you might think that dressing up like a penguin wearing a maroon bow tie and cummerbund for half the day (4-5 periods) is dorky, and it is. The up side is that I will not be alone! There will be about 80-90 other people in band and orchestra just like me.

You may be asking yourself, What does this have to do with Twilight?, well, I'm getting to it!

You know how Bella basically hates all the requirements of being a girl what with the make-up and dresses and shoes etc.? I'm sort of like that also. I almost hate going shopping and trying on clothes. Now, I have no problem buying the clothes and just throwing them on for the next day, but trying them on is torture to me.

How does this pertain to orchestra? After all the pictures we change into our school clothes, and don't have to use our instruments that day. Since I play the cello, that gives me no room to wear a dress throughout the school year except for tomorrow.

My friend decided that tomorrow all band geeks and orch. dorks (girls) just simply have to wear a dress. Woop-idy-doo! I sucked up my pride and tried on a few dresses for school tomorrow. I don't know how in the world I'm going to maneuver my way through the hallways and on the tile during lunch, but I'll figure a solution that will cause me the least pain!

I'm very uncoordinated as you've read in some of my previous posts. I also don't like to fuss over my image. Tomorrow will be something to remember for sure!

Oh, and the theme for the biggest dance of the year is masquerade ball, and we're not even aloud to wear masks! That stinks...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Meeting an Author

(Brandon Mull)
(Fablehaven books 1-3) (Fablehaven book 4)
Dear Fellow Twilighters,
Meeting an author is very stressful! Now, I'm not talking about the author, Mrs. Stephenie Meyer, but one of my little brother's favorite authors. Brandon Mull. He is the author of the famed series Fablehaven. I haven't personally read the book, but most of my friends say it's really great! He's working with a producer to see if there will be a movie to the first Fablehaven book.
I encourage you all to pick up a copy from your local library or book store. Now to my point.

My brother loves this author, and he happened to come to his school one of the days my sibling got sick and was out of school. My mom did a little research and found out that he was going to do a book signing the next day at a local new & used book store. We hopped in the car and got there two hours early! He got to meet the author first, and got two of his books signed as I took some pictures.

There was no one there until about thirty minutes till the author was scheduled to come. Believe it or not, but no books caught my eye except for a picture book of kittens and their evil plan to rule the world!
I guess the one thing you can take away from this post is that no matter how big an author might seem to be, if you like them enough you'll get there earlier than you're supposed to and get first in line.
p.s. Sources: (The pic. of Brandon Mull plus an article on him) (The pic. of books 1-3) (The pic. of book 4 and an article on it)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

An MSN Article On Kristen Stewart

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

I was just curious... How did you find out about this blog? Why is this blog so interesting? I would like to know what you like about this blog so I can make it better! Leave comments please.

On that note, today was a little interesting. I read an article on MSN Parallel Universe, or something like that, and there was a picture of Kristen Stewart there in Bella's wedding dress! For one thing, I thought it was a little too modern and a little too peek-a-boo-ish for me, and that's at the angle the picture was taken. I haven't seen a full photo of the dress so I wouldn't know that much about it.

Back to my main point. The interesting part. Kristen Stewart graduated a week before the graduation scene for Eclipse. She said something like (and this is not a quote) she better understood Bella after each movie she's made so far.

No offense to her acting skills, 'cause she makes a great Bella and all, (I always pictured Bella to be played by some one who looks like Kristen Stewart even though I didn't know who Kristen was), but the actual way she acted, physically, to me was very gawky and a little too edgy for the Bella Swan I envisioned. I always thought Bella would have had a little more personality to her. I'm not a casting director person though, so I guess I wouldn't know...

Go figure. Hope Eclipse comes out great. Oh, and Ms. Stewart has a little potty mouth!

The interview from MSN (Not complete)

The full interview with a cool behind the scenes Youtube video

Monday, October 5, 2009

Twilight Movie Inspired Cover

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

I dug up the Twilight movie cover for the book. Here it is!

Enjoy, Lell

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Moon Movie Inspired Cover

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

The limited edition New Moon cover is here... Woopie! I guess the cover is great and what not, but really? There is already so much publicity with the movie and all, so I guess the only plus would be the "free" poster. It's probably the only way most people can recognise the connection between the movie and the book. I have to admit though, this cover is a lot better than the Twilight movie inspired cover.

This post was especially for the user iloveedward !!! "What's so special about it? The books are exactly the same!" (Health 2)

(You know I love you!!! xP)

p.s Sources:

Planet 51 and Spaceman

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

The Killers are going to have another of their songs in a movie!!! Spaceman!!! Planet 51, the alien movie for kids. I just might have to watch it especially for that!!!

Love You Brandon!

Contact My Blog And Me

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

I recently made an account were you can reach me. I do not guarantee a quick response, but you will eventually will get one!