New Moon Content Widget

Saturday, October 17, 2009

MY New Moon Soundtrack

Dear Fellow Twilighters,

I got my New Moon Soundtrack yesterday at the local convenience super store! It was totally worth the wait! The Killers' A White Demon Love Song (number 5 on the album) totally delivered; all the artists did!

I didn't think I would like the song Meet Me On The Equinox by Death Cab For Cutie (1), but I did and I really enjoyed it. Muse's song (7) was spectacular- I Belong To You.

Another one my mom liked was Satellite Heart by Anya Marina (6).

This is a must have for any Twi-hard fan-pire. I give the whole album 5 fangs out of 5! (Now if you do the math, that's two vampires and one toothless vamp.) The only thing I have left to do is get the Twilight Soundtrack!

Happy Twilighting. Enjoy the album!

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