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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Meeting an Author

(Brandon Mull)
(Fablehaven books 1-3) (Fablehaven book 4)
Dear Fellow Twilighters,
Meeting an author is very stressful! Now, I'm not talking about the author, Mrs. Stephenie Meyer, but one of my little brother's favorite authors. Brandon Mull. He is the author of the famed series Fablehaven. I haven't personally read the book, but most of my friends say it's really great! He's working with a producer to see if there will be a movie to the first Fablehaven book.
I encourage you all to pick up a copy from your local library or book store. Now to my point.

My brother loves this author, and he happened to come to his school one of the days my sibling got sick and was out of school. My mom did a little research and found out that he was going to do a book signing the next day at a local new & used book store. We hopped in the car and got there two hours early! He got to meet the author first, and got two of his books signed as I took some pictures.

There was no one there until about thirty minutes till the author was scheduled to come. Believe it or not, but no books caught my eye except for a picture book of kittens and their evil plan to rule the world!
I guess the one thing you can take away from this post is that no matter how big an author might seem to be, if you like them enough you'll get there earlier than you're supposed to and get first in line.
p.s. Sources: (The pic. of Brandon Mull plus an article on him) (The pic. of books 1-3) (The pic. of book 4 and an article on it)

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